Several fans of actors Vidya Balan and Shah Rukh Khan who were hoping to watch the actors share screen space together, have now got a reason to smile. The two talented actors even though have not signed any film together but are planning to lend their helping hand by getting involved into social cause by backing Centre`s total sanitation campaign which aims at eradicating the practice of open defecation.
Apparently, the duo actors would join the Indian Cricketing star Sachin Tendulkar who is already involved with the social cause. Even filmmaker Shyam Benegal is planning to make a movie on the subject of sanitary issues. The news has been confirmed by Union Rural Development Minister Jairam Ramesh, who also holds the portfolio of Drinking Water and Sanitation. The minister has apparently set a target of ten years to eradicate the issue of sanitation.
Shahrukh Khan, King Khan, SRK,. DON, King of Bollywood, G.ONE, Badshah Khan, Badshah of Bollywood.
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